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1 - 10.
Happy 8th birthday, website! It came and went without notice. Looking ahead to 2015, it's going to be hard to beat our record low number of posts.
Lucky number 7, right?! Happy Birthday, Dime Brothers. I know you've been ignored by the world at large (and by each Dime Brother); hang in there.
Happy 6th birthday, Dime Brothers!
It's been a path of ever-slowing motivation to keep you alive. Lucky for you it's so cheap to pay for domains and hosting now-a-days!
Over the last year I think I did something in the Spring to manage the site, but maybe that was last year?! Life gets ever more busy, so posting may not improve any time soon.
It's that time of year again - time to celebrate the founding of this website. Paul, you brought the cake, right? Paul?
I've moved all the messages from the now defunct messages tab over as "2 cent" articles. I've used judgment in making some messages the article and some messages the comments underneath each article. I've also judgmentally assigned each article to a category or two. So now things are more easily categorized and found. If you find anything funky, let me know!
Note that we'll likely be switching hosting providers in the near future, and thus the site may be down for a couple of days, that is, if I'm too lazy to repoint whatnot and whoozamajigger.
What is it for the fourth anniversary: Fancy cars? Diamonds? Piles of cash?... Domain name renewal fees?!
ESPN widgets are a major FAIL, so I changed the front page so we'd have room for two videos instead of a video and an ESPN widget.
Now if we'd only update them every once in awhile!
It's that time of year again - time to ponder back on all the articles and posts from the last year. All 12 of them.
Just had spam posted on this message board. I guess it's just guessing what the code word is. I eliminated it, like I did gluten from my diet.