Your search of "Category: Product Review" ended with 41 results.
1 - 10.
The new Amazon Kindle Fire HD Tablet doesn't have a positronic type R phase discriminating amplifier so I think I'll pass (Data's brain from Star Trek: TNG). Steve Jobs File System Article
I remember being sad when I first read this. Reminded of it today. Loss of knowledge about file systems, when people didn't even understand them in the first place, is a bad thing. Steve Jobs is exactly right that the learning curve is vertical when it comes to learning file systems. Doesn't mean we should give up on learning them. We should make them more intuitive. Using iTunes as an example of an app that controls the file structure for you is a terrible example! There is no more difficult system to learn than that useless organization system.
Can General Mills create a product we love as much as Honey Nut Cheerios? Check out my review of Dulce de Leche Cheerios.
Today I don't see the option to leave comments on Yahoo! articles. This is a sad, sad day in commentary journalism, which can provide such deep insights as, "You call that an article?!" and "What a waste of time!"
If you've got a lil' one at home, you need to own this Sesame Street Book.
There’s a new competitor with Redbox that I’ve just noticed. They’re called Instaflix. Here’s a quick review.
So that Uranium Ore link goes to
Wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying It gives you 4 stories hitting the headlines that day.
Link from Wired about the evolution of the internet. I haven't read it all yet but it seemed link-worthy.
Most web hosting companies claim they don't have much down time. 99.99% up-time is a common claim. That means your website is always available.
IPower always seems to have issues. That's who we use. Recently they were down for about a day. And they're still responding slowly. I'd love to say this is the first time it's ever happened. I can't.
This is a recommendation against using iPower. That is all.
Are all tortilla chips with lime created equally? Are you willing to bet your life that it won't matter? Yes, this is a serious issue.