Your search of "Category: Politics" ended with 30 results.
1 - 10.
The SPJ, Society of Professional Journalists, recently recommended stopping usage of the term “illegal alien” and wants “re-evaluation” of the use of “illegal immigrant.” My thoughts herein.
As the Occupy Wall Street movement finishes its first month, what have we learned? Allow me to demonstrate...
Apparently there's an agreement in place to raise the debt ceiling and cut spending - each by $2 trillion. The problem is the cut spending is only from future increases, so it's not a real cut but rather a decrease in the increase.
By putting it so far in the future, it's also like saying, "We're going to cut emissions 20% by 2021-22." Congratulations, but "we're" means "someone else, hopefully," so you're essentially saying, "Not my problem!"
Are the schools spending too much money? Trying to find some ways to save? Trying to cut your way through the smoke and mirrors? Read this.
Hallelujah. Congress and the President have worked out their budget issues, and the government won't shut down. A shutdown would have cost the American people a lot of money and put a lot of people in some sticky financial situations. But the thing that gets me is the closing of national parks. I'm running a race on Sunday that would have been canceled because the National Park Service runs the park at the starting line. I was more upset about that than the possibility of losing pay! That woulda been two months of procrastination and one month of actual training down the toilet!
Alright, with continuing talk of a federal government shutdown, let me opine that there won't be one because parties in Congress don't want to be blamed for one. Unless a party in Congress knows for sure that it's not gonna be blamed by the American public for a shutdown, they will both work to avert it. Easy logic, right? I've been saying it for weeks, but always forget we have a website on which to post our thoughts.
Can we please stop calling the act of stealing documents and posting them online "protected free speech"? Unbelievable.
NY Times had an
interactive thingy this weekend that you could tweak to see if you could balance the budget.
What's the problem with government? The politicians we have? The politicians we're getting? Finger pointing Federalism? I delve into this topic here.
USA Today article on government salaries and benefits. It shows the average federal compensation being much higher than the private sector's average. What to me is more disturbing is the comparison between federal and private compensation growth.