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Family History 2 - Collaboration - 5 Cents
Posted by: Mark Nichols

13 Jun 2010

If you want to build a family tree on your own, you can simply use paper, you can download PAF from familysearch.org, or you have numerous other options such as Ancestry.com.


But if you want to collaborate with others while building your family tree, check out some of the below options.


Be sure to consider the following when figuring out what service to use:


1) The service may cost money (and if it costs money, does everyone have to pay or just one person?)


2) The service may require you to set up your own website


3) The service may not allow you to store documents or images, or only up to a certain amount


4) The service may not allow you store certain info (2nd marriages or other particular info)


5) The service may not be compatible with other software or services you use (e.g., maybe you need something that's GEDCOM compatible)


Websites that allow you to collaborate:


Family Pursuit


Shared Tree


Modules to add to your own website:


The Next Generation



Ancestral Quest


I'm sure there are other options (some I chose to ignore on purpose). But feel free to suggest any and maybe I'll add them to the list.


© 2010 Dime Brothers
Category: How To    

Reader Comments:

The Legacy Factor
You'll want to consider the legacy factor. How long is each website going to be functioning into the future? To me, the most popular one has the best chance, so I say stick with ancestry.com. The whole transferability factor is a big reason I refuse to upload photos to an online photo repository: there is no easy way to change services once you've chose, there's no great way to label your photos, it takes too long to upload full-size photos, and there's no guarantee a website won't totally re-write their code and waste days of your work.
13 Jun 2010

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