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NFL Preview 2023
Comments: 0 
04 Sep 2023
Paul Nichols 
NFL Preview 2022
Comments: 0 
05 Sep 2022
Paul Nichols 
NFL Preview 2021
Comments: 0 
08 Sep 2021
Paul Nichols 
NFL Preview 2020
Comments: 0 
07 Sep 2020
Paul Nichols 
NFL Preview 2019
Comments: 0 
01 Sep 2019
Paul Nichols 
NFL Preview 2018
Comments: 0 
03 Sep 2018
Paul Nichols 
NFL Preview 2017
Comments: 0 
07 Sep 2017
Paul Nichols 
NFL Preview 2016
Comments: 0 
08 Sep 2016
Paul Nichols 
NFL Preview 2015
Comments: 0 
13 Sep 2015
Paul Nichols 
NFL Preview 2014
Comments: 0 
07 Sep 2014
Paul Nichols 
Billion Dollar Bracket
Comments: 0 
Warren Buffett and Dan Gilbert (Quicken Loans) are offering one billion dollars for the perfect NCAA tournament bracket. Apparently there are also some prizes for the best 20 brackets.
22 Jan 2014
Mark Nichols 
Movies Being Released in 2015
Comments: 0 
Here's a Yahoo! article that mentions many good movies coming out in 2015.
05 Jan 2014
Mark Nichols 
Customer Service Part IV
Comments: 0 
16 Dec 2013
Mark Nichols 
RV Livin' on the Upper West Side
Comments: 0 
Here's an LA Times article on living in an RV on the Upper West Side. These would've been our neighbors... if we had ever actually lived on the Upper West Side.
16 Dec 2013
Mark Nichols 
Rick Reilly Bringing His A Game
Comments: 0 
Rick Reilly has been showing over the last year or so exactly what made him such a celebrated writer. It's like he turned on a good-writing switch. Or got past some personal problems or whatever. Insightful, funny, positive, sarcastic. Well done, Rick!
5 July 2012
Paul Nichols 
File System Learning
Comments: 2 
CNN.com Steve Jobs File System Article

I remember being sad when I first read this. Reminded of it today. Loss of knowledge about file systems, when people didn't even understand them in the first place, is a bad thing. Steve Jobs is exactly right that the learning curve is vertical when it comes to learning file systems. Doesn't mean we should give up on learning them. We should make them more intuitive. Using iTunes as an example of an app that controls the file structure for you is a terrible example! There is no more difficult system to learn than that useless organization system.
29 Jun 2012
Paul Nichols 
Movie Review: Hugo
Comments: 1 
04 Mar 2012
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
This article says IBM predicts in 5 years we'll be using biometrics instead of passwords. I have a laptop from 2008 that has a finger print login, but in my opinion biometrics will eventually be less secure than passwords.
30 Dec 2011
Mark Nichols 
Batman: The Animated Series
Comments: 2 
14 Nov 2011
Mark Nichols 
The Best Infant/Toddler Book Ever
Comments: 0 
18 Oct 2011
Mark Nichols 
Officials and Replay
Comments: 0 
26 Sep 2011
Mark Nichols 
Pirate's Booty Snack Review
Comments: 1 
24 Sep 2011
Mark Nichols 
Movie Review: Tron: Legacy
Comments: 0 
18 Sep 2011
Mark Nichols 
"Counties Work" Video Game
Comments: 0 
The "Counties Work" online video game can be found at this link, and hints at being a great outreach tool for teaching people how government works. Why not have an even more developed SIMS-like-game for local government or federal government? Seems like a good idea to me, though I'm the only one who would likely find it fun. You'd probably need some variation of a red-tape monster, or the meeting that just wouldn't end, even with a ctrl-alt-del.
31 Aug 2011
Paul Nichols 
Baseball Realignment
Comments: 1 
01 Jul 2011
Mark Nichols 
Food Pet Peeves
Comments: 1 
27 Jun 2011
Mark Nichols 
Skynet Becomes Self Aware!
Comments: 5 
19 Apr 2011
Paul Nichols 
Scott Adams Article in WSJ
Comments: 1 
Scott Adams writes the Dilbert cartoon. He opines in the Wall Street Journal that B students should learn entrepreneurial skillz. I hope the link keeps working--heaven forbid the WALL STREET JOURNAL provide perma-links.
09 Apr 2011
Paul Nichols 
Switching Web Hosts
Comments: 0 
03 Apr 2011
Mark Nichols 
Saving Money
Comments: 0 
Here's a link to a "Main Street" article that was featured on Yahoo! If you get rid of the dollar bill and only offer coins, the government would begin saving $500 million+ every year, starting in a few years. Do it. I know Americans want dollar bills, but it's getting less and less important to actually carry cash at all. It's time to save money.
09 Mar 2011
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
17 Feb 2011
Mark Nichols 
Proposed 2011 Federal Budget
Comments: 0 
08 Feb 2011
Paul Nichols 
Price Increase
Comments: 0 
20 Jan 2011
Mark Nichols 
Bad Driving
Comments: 0 
Article about Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray of Massachusetts pulling kids out of a burning van in Worcester.

We all know Worcester has the worst drivers in the country. This case, though, is one of a tire catching fire.

But, apparently the Lieutenant Governor has had to rescue people before in Worcester. He also used to be the mayor of Worcester. There's probably some conspiracy involving him and bad driving.

: )
05 Jan 2011
Mark Nichols 
NCAA Regulations
Comments: 0 
Article about Ohio State's Terrelle Pryor and the NCAA rules game which is basically a joke.
04 Jan 2011
Mark Nichols 
Christmas Music
Comments: 1 
24 Dec 2010
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
14 Dec 2010
Mark Nichols 
Daily Lump
Comments: 0 
11 Dec 2010
Paul Nichols 
Uranium Ore
Comments: 0 
Uranium Ore.

Read the comments--pretty funny stuff!
11 Dec 2010
Paul Nichols 
Wireless Radiation
Comments: 0 
Link about wireless radiation that affects us and how to protect yourself. Really interesting as I've had conversations with people recently about how many waves are coursing through our bodies.

02 Dec 2010
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
Link from Wired about the evolution of the internet. I haven't read it all yet but it seemed link-worthy.
01 Dec 2010
Mark Nichols 
Fix the Budget
Comments: 0 
NY Times had an interactive thingy this weekend that you could tweak to see if you could balance the budget.
15 Nov 2010
Paul Nichols 
Football Replays
Comments: 0 
15 Nov 2010
Paul Nichols 
Bandana Man No. 7
Comments: 0 
15 Nov 2010
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
Read this story in the New York Times and you might also see the sappy movie potential. Down on their luck people getting kicked out of their homes (not houses, their HOMES!), and a down on his luck lawyer who used to work for the big bad mortgage banks. He salvages his own down on his luck life and takes on the bad guy banks, putting a nationwide stop to foreclosures. Redemption.

Or so the sappy movie goes.
15 Oct 2010
Mark Nichols 
Coke Machine of the Future
Comments: 1 
15 Oct 2010
Paul Nichols 
Hilarious Link
Comments: 0 
An Onion article on the American Public hiring a lobbyist. Funny.
08 Oct 2010
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 1 
Article on whether your plastic storage container is safe. Basically, if the recycle number is 1, 2, 4, or 5, you're better off than otherwise. But microwaving can still cause chemical leakage. Scary.
12 Sep 2010
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
Here's a Time article about China being able to communicate using Quantum Teleportation. Cool stuff.
09 Sep 2010
Mark Nichols 
Pop-Soda-Coke Debate
Comments: 0 
Map of What People Say Where for Soft Drinks

You may have forgotten this one. Still fun to look at every once in awhile.
09 Sep 2010
Paul Nichols 
Tonight Show's Kevin Eubanks' Departure
Comments: 0 
08 Sep 2010
Paul Nichols 
Sleazy Business
Comments: 1 
15 Aug 2010
Mark Nichols 
Federal Pay
Comments: 0 
USA Today article on government salaries and benefits. It shows the average federal compensation being much higher than the private sector's average. What to me is more disturbing is the comparison between federal and private compensation growth.
11 Aug 2010
Mark Nichols 
Eat This, Not That
Comments: 0 
I'm a fan of David Zinczenko's articles on Yahoo!. Here's the latest. They're about foods you might like and the terrifying ingredients they contain. Well-written, well-researched, etc., etc. In other words, they're the opposite of anything ever posted on this site! : )
21 Jul 2010
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
Interesting case of people making brash decisions on (obviously) limited information. Article Link. The agriculture department asked for a resignation over some comments that a person made 24 years ago while in a different job. The evidence was from a video clip of the woman speaking, and no one apparently first tried to contact the farmers affected by her "racism".

Sorry for not providing more detail - I'm being lazy (just like everyone who reacted first and asked questions later).
21 Jul 2010
Mark Nichols 
Super Savers
Comments: 0 
An article on families that know how to save money. The theme, in my opinion, is really: "make a ton of money so you have the ability to save by either 1) owning your own (already successful) business, or 2) having both parents work. It would also help to have just 1 or no kids."

Although I love to pick on articles like these, there are actually some principles of saving that work no matter your income.
20 Jul 2010
Mark Nichols 
Typing Test
Comments: 0 
01 Jun 2010
Mark Nichols 
Great quote from facebook friend
Comments: 0 
14 May 2010
Mark Nichols 
100 Movies to See
Comments: 0 
Yahoo Movies article mentions modern movie classics (90s and 00s) to watch. The Bourne Ultimatum is included.
15 Apr 2010
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
Yahoo article on taxes. It says 47% of households won't pay federal income taxes in 2009.
07 Apr 2010
Mark Nichols 
Set up first, verify later
Comments: 0 
Energy Efficient Yahoo article

The above link is an article discussing how to get the US government's energy efficient stamp of approval.

The problem being they don't verify energy efficiency. The article claims once the product is launched testing is then done. Classic "get the program set up and we'll figure it out later" organization. Granted, checking after product launch is probably still important because product specs could change before launching in market.

But this feels eerily similar to the recent health bill passage. Set it up, and we'll figure it out later.

Hopefully things work out, though, for the better.... I still haven't reviewed the health bill and all of its possible ramifications (and probably neither has Congress...).
26 Mar 2010
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
06 Mar 2010
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 0 
26 Feb 2010
Mark Nichols 
Tough finding the right card...
Comments: 0 
funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs
03 Feb 2010
Mark Nichols 
By the way...
Comments: 0 
03 Feb 2010
Mark Nichols 
America's Biggest Rip-offs
Comments: 0 
CNN article on products with big markups.
02 Feb 2010
Mark Nichols 
Murdo, South Dakota
Comments: 0 
Here's an article about who the Republicans may try to trot out as 2012 presidential competition to President Obama. Thune, a senator from South Dakota, is from Murdo.

This is relevant only because on a cross country trip in a 1990 Ford Bronco II, the Dime Brothers had their transmission go out and we ended up trading the Bronco in for a dumpy station wagon at a Ford dealership there. We were back on the road in a couple of hours.

Murdo was definitely a small town (population ~700).
13 Jan 2010
Mark Nichols 
Polluting Pets?
Comments: 0 
22 Dec 2009
Paul Nichols 
Facebook Privacy
Comments: 0 
18 Dec 2009
Mark Nichols 
50-car pileup
Comments: 0 
Here's an article about a 50-car pileup. One of the comments: "This was a 2 car accident-the other 48 were personal injury lawyers."
14 Dec 2009
Mark Nichols 
Tech 10 Years Ago
Comments: 2 
Paul, would you like to comment on the following quote from this article:

"And Skype, which provides video chats for anyone with an Internet connection, lets us see and hear people who might be halfway across the world - for free.

"That's like the revolutionary thing that's happening right now," Levinson points out. "The idea that you can talk to someone and see their face and have a video conversation with them that doesn't cost anything - that would have been science fiction 10 years ago."
09 Dec 2009
Mark Nichols 
Tiger vs. Federer
Comments: 0 
02 Dec 2009
Mark Nichols 
Best Athlete of the Decade
Comments: 0 
23 Nov 2009
Mark Nichols 
Jordan's 23
Comments: 0 
LeBron is encouraging NBA players to abandon the number 23 out of respect for Michael Jordan. He's going to switch to number 6 himself. I think that this allows people an escape for people to switch since Jordan's image is slowly fading into that of a jerk (especially since his hall of fame speech). And if everyone avoids 23, maybe in the future people will think it's because of Jordan's jerkiness instead of his basketball prowess.
Probably over-thinking this.
13 Nov 2009
Mark Nichols 
Sleeping Arrangements Graph from GraphJam.com
Comments: 0 

06 Nov 2009
Mark Nichols 
Healthcare Waste
Comments: 0 
26 Oct 2009
Mark Nichols 
Extreme Laptops
Comments: 0 
Extreme laptops ranging from ultra-light to super fast.
21 Oct 2009
Mark Nichols 
ESPN Page 2 Link
Comments: 0 
New (and funny) NFL logos from ESPN.com Page 2's Kurt Snibbe.
16 Oct 2009
Mark Nichols 
Happy 3rd Birthday DimeBrothers.com
Comments: 0 
01 Oct 2009
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 1 
29 Sep 2009
Mark Nichols 
Jackson Pollock
Comments: 0 
Smithsonian article about Jackson Pollock's breakout painting, Mural. He apparently painted his name in the background of the work... but I think I can find my name in the painting too, which makes him an über-genius since he didn't even know me back in 1943!
26 Sep 2009
Mark Nichols 
17 Again Review
Comments: 1 
29 Aug 2009
Mark Nichols 
Movie Review: The Soloist
Comments: 0 
25 Aug 2009
Mark Nichols 
Woody Paige, Denver Post, Quote
Comments: 0 
20 Aug 2009
Paul Nichols 
Health Care Reform
Comments: 0 
10 Aug 2009
Mark Nichols 
Irksome Driving
Comments: 0 
Pretty good article on bad driving habits. The gist is, "Focus on driving" and "'Doing your thing' doesn't matter when driving is a community experience. Pay attention."
03 Aug 2009
Mark Nichols 
Groundhog Killing (and hilarious comments)
Comments: 0 
Article link to a story about police brutality against groundhogs. What really makes the story are the comments. Hilarious.
27 Jul 2009
Mark Nichols 
Classic Holdout Greed - The American Way!
Comments: 0 
Article link about condo owners finding reason to hold up a development and claiming they were right and settling for a bazillion dollars even though they were offered way more than value originally because they were going to drag their feet and hold up the show just because they wanted to live the new "American Dream" of getting rich quick without justification because why should anyone earn it anymore when you can find a quarterback or corporation or hospital to sue where the legal headaches you create are worse than the parting of money?

(Would the above be a run-on sentence? Actually, would it be a run-on question?) : )
25 Jul 2009
Mark Nichols 
Onion News Ticker Headline
Comments: 1 
26 Jun 2009
Paul Nichols 
Annoying Messaging Systems
Comments: 0 
18 Jun 2009
Mark Nichols 
Must-See Video About the Tough Town I Live In
Comments: 0 
15 Jun 2009
Paul Nichols 
Friday the 12th
Comments: 0 
Funny T-Shirt

Saw the image on an ESPN.com profile and Google-searched it and found it's probably from a t-shirt. Fittingly, today is Friday the 12th.
12 Jun 2009
Mark Nichols 
Perfect Attendance
Comments: 2 
Perfect Attendance Article

This Washington Post article posits that perfect attendance for 13 years of public education is practically unheard of.

I think there were something like 2 who had it in my graduating class alone (in a class of 135). Big whoop.
26 May 2009
Mark Nichols 
Digital Disaster
Comments: 1 
18 Apr 2009
Mark Nichols 
Syracuse B-Ball
Comments: 3 
Flynn testing the NBA draft waters

Hopefully Flynn comes back to Syracuse. Realistically the other two will be back.
10 Apr 2009
Mark Nichols 
Facebook Comparison to Walmart
Comments: 0 
Comparison article between Facebook and Walmart. Facebook has the potential to crush a lot of different web competitors (evite.com, classmates.com, email sites, Google even?). Nice article.
06 Apr 2009
Mark Nichols 
Meat Tourney Bracket
Comments: 0 
Meat bracket article on ESPN Page 2

In a travesty of justice, Chicken Tails takes out Chicken Wings, then Lamb Chops, before finally losing to Bacon. In the final, however, Bacon loses to Standing Rib Roast.
23 Mar 2009
Mark Nichols 
Orange Video
Comments: 0 
The orange that ruled the world..

In honor of Syracuse's favorable tournament seed, please view the above video. I imagine it refers to an orange in some way related to Syracuse.
15 Mar 2009
Paul Nichols 
Street Performance
Comments: 2 
14 Mar 2009
Mark Nichols 
Jay Cutler and the Denver Broncos
Comments: 0 
12 Mar 2009
Paul Nichols 
School Lunch Money
Comments: 0 
This article on school lunches in New Mexico is bothering me. Some people are up in arms over feeding kids a cheese sandwich. Ummm... why is the parent not sending their kids to school with peanut butter and jelly? It would probably cost less per day than the subsidized meals they're trying to pay for, and it would save the school district mounds of cash.

Schools should probably only be on the books for selling milk or juice since kids can't reasonably bring refrigerated items to school.

Time to start teaching parents responsibility... I bet they can afford cable TV or a cell phone!
25 Feb 2009
Mark Nichols 
Baseball Card Link
Comments: 0 
I can't help but share this link and encourage you to read the comments. I was cracking up in the middle of the day reading them. It's about an older lady selling a baseball card at auction. Not sure how long the link will be active.
12 Feb 2009
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
Here's an article (NY City Mystery Odor) about the discovery of the source of a mysterious odor infiltrating NYC. It's apparently some processing plants in NJ causing it. Now, I ain't no scientist or brain surgeon (could be, but I ain't), but was there ever any doubt that the smell was coming from New Jersey?
06 Feb 2009
Mark Nichols 
Food Link
Comments: 0 
The Bacon Explosion - food that's going after our heart. Literally.

29 Jan 2009
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
Here's a quote from a BBC article: "The EU last week accused Microsoft of harming competition by bundling its IE browser with its Windows operating system."

Wouldn't want a business trying to beat out other businesses, now, would we? Same crap as the Windows Media Player issue.

Wouldn't want that company that sells window washer fluid to throw in ice scrapers too!
27 Jan 2009
Mark Nichols 
Home Organization
Comments: 0 
07 Jan 2009
Mark Nichols 
ESPN article... Inspiring
Comments: 0 
This is a pretty good article for the ol' holiday spirit and whatnot. About a football team caring for another down and out one.
23 Dec 2008
Mark Nichols 
Movie Review: Fly Me to the Moon
Comments: 0 
16 Dec 2008
Mark Nichols 
Check Out This Speech. Pretty Good Stuff.
Comments: 0 
09 Dec 2008
Paul Nichols 
James B
Comments: 0 
29 Nov 2008
Paul Best 
Oval Stickers
Comments: 3 
26 Nov 2008
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 1 
Awhile ago we were making posts implying that much of the economic downturn was due to prediction/pessimism. At that time, it seemed the only thing happening was that the housing market was "slowing down" - houses weren't selling for as much. Then the credit problems became more apparent, gas hit a zillion dollars a gallon, and people started changing their driving habits. Now, banks have failed, investment firms have failed, the stock market has taken a dive, and gas prices are now really cheap.

Here is a long 3-paragraph quote from Tuesday Morning Quarterback that kind of gets at our previous ranting (taken from

"Oh No! Gasoline Prices Are Falling! Just last winter, gas at $4 a gallon was said to represent a super-ultra emergency, and ExxonMobil profits were said to be obscene. Now gas is $2 a gallon and this is bad, according to CNBC economics bobbleheads, who last week warned the lower pump price will depress oil-company profits. Just last winter, rising consumer prices were said to represent a super-ultra emergency -- now that consumer prices are falling, that's supposed to be bad too, owing to the possibility of deflation. But innovation and rising labor productivity are supposed to drive down prices. Lower prices are a core goal of capitalist economics!

These points should serve as reminders that the mainstream media always present all economic news as bad. Higher interest rates? Bad for borrowers. Lower interest rates? Might cause inflation. Normally, the media's penchant for spinning all economic news as bad doesn't matter -- but right now it does, as pessimism more than logic seems to be driving the weak economy. Speaking as someone who pulled the election lever for Barack Obama (and whose daughter worked for the Obama campaign round the clock for months), I agree with John McCain's statement, "The fundamentals of the economy are strong." They are. McCain was right! Innovation is high. Labor productivity is high. There are no shortages of any resource or commodity. Pessimism is driving the downturn, and that pessimism is advanced by relentless media negativism.

Even the Wall Street Journal is spinning events in the most pessimistic light. A page one story declared, "Investors in the U.S. stock market have lost more than $9 trillion since its peak a year ago." But there is a distinction between a decline and a loss. The paper value of U.S. equities has declined $9 trillion since the peak in October 2007, but many investors have suffered no loss because they haven't sold. Many people's houses have declined in value in the last two years, but most people haven't lost a dime because they haven't sold -- just as many people's houses rose in value from 2002 to 2006 but most people did not gain, again because they did not sell. Doing nothing can be the smart move in a bear market, and those investors, individual or institutional, who have cleverly done nothing have incurred no losses and are likely to come out ahead in the long run. Yet some insist on claiming $9 trillion has been "lost." Exaggerating the negative only worsens the economic-confidence picture."

One other point - TMQ is in favor of requiring tax exempt organizations (or at least institutions of higher learning) to spend 5% of their endowments each year. In a down market wouldn't that be making those losses real, then? Yes, unless the endowment moolah is in fixed-return kinds of investments.
25 Nov 2008
Mark Nichols 
Eco Scooter
Comments: 0 
An Eco Scooter featured on Yahoo gets 180 miles per gallon. I assume if you wear a helmet mileage drops to 150. If you carry a heavy set of house keys, kiss another 20 miles good-bye. : )
14 Oct 2008
Mark Nichols 
Ruth's Chris Steak House
Comments: 1 
Weird name, but great food: Ruth's Chris Steak House.

It's expensive, but yummy. I had the lamb chops. They were awesome. !!!. Okay - so I'm not cut out to be a food critic writer person. But this is all you need to know: lamb chops at Ruth's Chris=yummy.

Apparently the restaurant was called Chris Steak House when Ruth bought it. That's why it has a weird name.
09 Oct 2008
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
Thanks to Steve we now have RSS. What does RSS stand for, you ask? What does it do, you ask?

It's used to make sites look like they're really cool and modern. Note the RSS symbol in your browser's address bar (at least it's in mine - I'm using Mozilla).
01 Oct 2008
Mark Nichols 
Large Hadron Collider
Comments: 1 
Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the Earth Yet?

As some friends have reminded me, you'll want to bookmark this page.
12 Sep 2008
Paul Nichols 
Go Fly a Kite
Comments: 0 
28 Aug 2008
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 1 
14 Jul 2008
Mark Nichols 
Dancing Matt
Comments: 0 
CNN Video story on Dancing Matt

Here's a link to a video story from CNN about Dancing Matt.

So the world knows, friend Dan let us know about this guy weeks ago, and the general media is swooping it up now. Yesterday I heard WALK 97.5 (Long Island radio station) mention it in the morning.
11 Jul 2008
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
DimeBrothers' favorite charity?

Why, that'd of course be
The March of Dimes!

I've got a friend who's heading to work there, so I thought it an opportune time to link to them. Plus, the obvious reference to Dimes doesn't hurt.
09 Jul 2008
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
Stock Market Recovery watch on CNN

Above is an article that is already predicting an upswing in the markets. If these predictions are anything like the predictions for the downswing, wait about 4 months and then start buying.
08 Jul 2008
Mark Nichols 
Good things about expensive gas
Comments: 0 
Here's an article about why expensive gas is a good thing. It's always nice to get perspective on how the dominoes might fall. Especially since we're used to only hearing about the first domino.
02 Jul 2008
Mark Nichols 
Public Service Academy Update
Comments: 0 
LA Times Article

Article regarding the forgiveness of school debt related to working in the public service for 10 years. See my previous article on the Public Service Academy for some more background.

Conclusion? 10 years is still a long time to have to pay back loans. Study and play hard in high school and try to go to college on the cheap--or go to a state school to help make ends meet.
30 Jun 2008
Paul Nichols 
Smart Car
Comments: 0 
Alright. I want a smart car. Wish they were cheaper...

Smart Car USA

Basic model starts at $11,590. A useful model (you know, with power steering) would cost around $14,000.
04 Jun 2008
Paul Nichols 
Right living yields good results!
Comments: 0 
29 May 2008
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 0 
What it will take.

A former deputy county executive in Erie County, NY (home to Buffalo) writes very eloquently on government regionalization, consolidation, the use of federal dollars as a carrot and stick method to induce change, and briefly at the end, the legacy of baby boomers.
28 May 2008
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 0 
How the government spends your taxes.

I've been holding onto this link for awhile. Food to chew on, anyway.
18 May 2008
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 0 
The best video that you'll ever want to see. The joke is to tell you it's something you actually want to click on.

'Rickroll' prank comes to Baltimore

BALTIMORE (UPI) -- Almost 50 people sang the lyrics of British pop star Rick Astley in Baltimore during the weekend as part of a "rickroll" prank, fans say.

Fans either sing or redirect Internet browsers to recognize Astley's 1980s hit song, "Never Gonna Give You Up." The Baltimore Sun said Sunday.

"I'm in love with this song," said Ryan Goff, who organized the "rickroll" event Saturday at the city's Inner Harbor. "I thought I'd be absolutely sick of it, but I like it more. I'm working on singing it backward."

Traditionally a "rickroll" takes place online when unsuspecting browsers click on a serious-sounding link only to watch a video of Astley singing his hit.

For Goff, and others like him, the online bit was not enough. Soon Astley fans were taking to the streets to share their love of the pop star with strangers, the Sun reported.

"It's grass roots; you've got to make the best of it," Goff said. "It's all in the spirit of Rick."

Copyright 2008 by United Press International
07 May 2008
Paul Nichols 
5 Extreme Ways to Save Money
Comments: 3 
05 May 2008
Mark Nichols 
Call Transcript
Comments: 0 
There is a Yahoo article with the headline: Harvard gets record $100 million gift from Rockefeller.

I happen to have the transcript of the call that initiated the donation:

[caller]: Hi, my name is Mindy and I'm a student here at Harvard. Would you like to contribute a hundred towards senior class opportunities to study culture?

[Rockefeller]: Sure why not. 100 million. I'm not the first today to donate 100 million, am I? *cough* *hack!* - Where Are My Pills?! ... (unintelligible)... I'll send you a check.

[Mindy to herself]: I'm working on commission, right?
25 Apr 2008
Mark Nichols 
Missing Money Article
Comments: 0 
Here's a link to an article on finding missing money.
17 Apr 2008
Mark Nichols 
National Debt
Comments: 0 
The current national debt is 9.5 trillion dollars. That means everyone would owe over $30,000 this year, on top of their taxes, to pay it off.

One funny article headline from Reuters a couple of years ago: "US Debt: At least it's not $1 zillion".
17 Apr 2008
Mark Nichols 
Awareness Test
Comments: 0 
16 Apr 2008
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 1 
13 Apr 2008
Paul Nichols 
2008 Tourney Preview
Comments: 4 
17 Mar 2008
Mark Nichols 
Some Guy Died Awhile Ago
Comments: 0 
Philip Agee Dies in Cuba

Actually, this is a pretty old story by Internet standards, being over a month old. This guy blew the lid on CIA procedures and practices, not necessarily a bad thing, but in the doing, outed tons of agents, which is definitely a bad thing.

He said, "Reforms of the FBI and the CIA, even removal of the President from office, cannot remove the problem. American capitalism, based as it is on exploitation of the poor, with its fundamental motivation in personal greed, simply cannot survive without force - without a secret police force." So capitalism within the U.S. can't survive without a secret police force operating outside of it? Not logical.

He seemed to forget that socialist states are propped up by force, namely a lack of federal democracy and free speech. And that a secret police force, by itself, is not necessarily evil. And that even socialist states have secret police forces, though he excused this because their actions did not go as far as the United States' secret police force.

Public servants are moral actors. When they act immorally, the results also lack moral standing. See, for example, much of the CIA's history. But, alas (and vastly too simply stated): two wrongs do not make a right Mr. Agee. Outing secret agents puts lives in danger.
20 Feb 2008
Paul Nichols 
Eating Contest
Comments: 3 
17 Feb 2008
Mark Nichols 
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Comments: 1 
11 Feb 2008
Paul Nichols 
Lawyer Joke
Comments: 0 
31 Jan 2008
Paul Nichols 
Wanna hear the voice used when filming Star Wars?
Comments: 0 
30 Jan 2008
Paul Nichols 
Old computer ads to make you laugh
Comments: 0 
23 Jan 2008
Paul Nichols 
Bad Day at the Office
Comments: 0 
13 Dec 2008
Paul Nichols 
Merry Christmas
Comments: 0 
19 Dec 2007
Paul Nichols 
Elf Yourself
Comments: 0 
10 Dec 2007
Paul Nichols 
Traffic Article Link
Comments: 0 
Here's a link to a traffic article by Jon Gromer. Not sure how long it'll be active, but one good point that was brought up involved people wanting to be in the left lane perhaps because cars wouldn't be whizzing by their windows on that side (they'd be on the opposite side of the car in the right lanes).
04 Dec 2007
Mark Nichols 
Judge and Accountability
Comments: 3 
Here's a link to an article on personal responsibility. A cell phone went off, a room full of convicts wouldn't "snitch" and the perpetrator wouldn't admit guilt... so the judge locked up everyone. It must have been frustrating for the judge to be sitting there and witnessing what is essentially a prison culture kind of a thing - no snitching, and no admitting of guilt. Extreme punishment, yes. But frustrating for the judge, too.
28 Nov 2007
Mark Nichols 
Driving Ability
Comments: 0 
Article on Driving Knowledge

Here's a link (not sure how long it'll be active) to a report on how knowledgeable drivers are around the country. The most surprising result? Idaho is rated at number 1. I lived in Utah for awhile and had the unfortunate opportunity to drive around a lot of Idahoans. Many drove with a total disregard for the world around them. In my opinion, only the Massachusetts drivers that hail from Worcester are anywhere close to surpassing Idaho's awfulness.

But at least MA is ranked 48th. Idaho is number 1! I demand a retest! A test that actually takes into account driver awareness!
16 Nov 2007
Mark Nichols 
Kitchen Nightmares
Comments: 1 
14 Nov 2007
Paul Nichols 
Microsoft Word 2007
Comments: 2 
01 Nov 2007
Paul Nichols 
Another Email floating around the web
Comments: 0 
An amazing elephant story...

Sometimes I like these heartwarming stories, but this one is truly interesting…

In 1986, Dan Harrison was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from Northwestern University.

On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Dan approached it very carefully. He got down on one knee and inspected the elephant's foot and found a large piece of wood deeply embedded in it. As carefully and as gently as he could, Dan worked the wood out with his hunting knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down its foot.

The elephant turned to face the man, and with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for several tense moments. Dan stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled. Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned, and walked away.

Dan never forgot that elephant or the events of that day.

Twenty years later, Dan was walking through the Chicago Zoo with his teenage son. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to near where Dan and his son Dan Jr. were standing. The large bull elephant stared at Dan, lifted its front foot off the ground, and then put it down. The elephant did that several times, then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man.

Remembering the encounter in 1986, Dan couldn't help wondering if this was the same elephant.

Dan summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. The elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of Dan's legs and slammed him against the railing, killing him instantly. Probably wasn't the same elephant.
29 Oct 2007
Mark Nichols 
Comments: 0 
This is a website (Woot.com) that offers one deal a day, and sometimes offers a grab-bag like deal which I don't understand because I haven't researched it well enough.

So each day, one product is for sale, at a really cheap price. I think it's a great idea because it'll keep people going back to the site every day. Today a 7 mega pixel camera is for sale for $99 plus $5 for shipping. The same camera on Polaroid.com is available for $184.99. (By the way, Polaroid is selling 10 mega pixel cameras - I didn't even know they existed! Of course, I'm not that up-to-date with technology. Have you guys heard of that site called "Goo-gull"? I hear it's popular.)
26 Oct 2007
Mark Nichols 
Happy First Birthday
Comments: 4 
25 Oct 2007
Mark Nichols 
Trunk Monkey - This is all of the commercials
Comments: 1 
24 Oct 2007
Paul Nichols 
Robbers Avoid Burglar Alarm, Get Caught By Camera
Comments: 0 
27 Sep 2007
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 1 
Here's a blurb stolen from PurpleGables.Wordpress.com:

"What’s RapLeaf, you say??

RapLeaf is a creepy stalker's dream come true. It's basically a website where you go and type in someone's email address and, like magic (evil, black magic, that is) you get a page with links to every single place that person has a web presence - blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, flickr photos, you name it."

Here's the link.

I tried it and got nothin' on me. But I didn't ask them to get back to me in an hour (as they offer to do). I guess that gives their evil machines time to scour the web searching for your soul.
26 Sep 2007
Mark Nichols 
Casino Sues Because It Broke Law
Comments: 5 
26 Sep 2007
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 3 
Via CNN's Political Ticker via the LA Times: This Link to a website that's meant to help you decide who to support in next year's Presidential elections.
19 Sep 2007
Mark Nichols 
Office Linebacker
Comments: 2 
28 Aug 2007
Paul Nichols 
Pilot Pen Tennis
Comments: 1 
25 Aug 2007
Mark Nichols 
Red Box and George and the Dragon
Comments: 1 
19 Aug 2007
Mark Nichols 
Boston Error
Comments: 2 
09 Aug 2007
Paul Nichols 
Caption Contest
Comments: 2 
08 Aug 2007
Paul Nichols 
How to Make a Greek Potato Salad, or What in the World are Scallions?
Comments: 0 
22 Jul 2007
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 0 
18 Jul 2007
Mark Nichols 
Nadal vs. Federer
Comments: 1 
10 Jul 2007
Mark Nichols 
Interlude in Procrastination
Comments: 2 
05 Jul 2007
Paul Nichols 
A Pre-Natal Dichotomy
Comments: 2 
03 Jul 2007
Steven Black 
Millionaire Audition, Part III
Comments: 1 
27 Jun 2007
Mark Nichols 
Lip Balm
Comments: 0 
Yahoo "pick of the week" article on lip balm addiction. They are so behind the breaking news.
19 Jun 2007
Mark Nichols 
I Could Be an "Athlete"!
Comments: 5 
14 Jun 2007
Mark Nichols 
In honor of the release of Pirates III: How to talk like a pirate
Comments: 0 
31 May 2007
Paul Nichols 
Links You Can't Ignore
Comments: 7 
31 May 2007
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 0 
Another ESPN page 2 article referenced bacon. It's from DJ Gallo and talks about hockey. I understand if no one wants to click on the link, then.
25 May 2007
Mark Nichols 
NBA Draft Lottery
Comments: 0 
24 May 2007
Mark (on Ken's behalf) 
Favorite Quote
Comments: 0 
20 May 2007
Paul Nichols 
Sabres Bow To Mighty What's-Their-Names
Comments: 3 
19 May 2007
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 2 
This blog post can be found at CNN.com. I'm not sure how long it will be active, or how much or little you'll have to scroll down to find it, but the post is in regards to bacon. Thus, this is an issue we cannot ignore!
17 May 2007
Mark Nichols 
FFToolbox Free Agency Impacts
Comments: 3 
16 May 2007
Mark Nichols 
Men's Health Made Easy
Comments: 5 
07 May 2007
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 0 
This article actually makes me want to watch a boxing match! (Watch it, but not pay for it.)
26 Apr 2007
Mark Nichols 
Traffic and Back Pain
Comments: 6 
17 Apr 2007
Mark Nichols 
Transformers Trailer from You Tube
Comments: 0 
16 Apr 2007
Mark Nichols 
Tiger Woods versus Roger Federer
Comments: 2 
16 Apr 2007
Paul Nichols 
Blog Makeover
Comments: 1 
14 Apr 2007
Mark Nichols 
Hillbilly Hare
Comments: 7 
12 Apr 2007
Paul Nichols 
The Most Magical Animal of Them All (from The Simpsons)
Comments: 0 
09 Apr 2007
Paul Nichols 
Cool Posting Buttons
Comments: 0 
Thanks to Steve for cool new buttons when you post a message. You can make text bold, italicized, underlined, and add a hyperlink by simply highlighting your text and pressing the applicable button.
Also, "carriage returns" are now recognized in posts. These upgrades are surely the reason that Iran has let the British captives go. As this site becomes more and more developed, we shall see peace impose its will across the globe (peacefully of course).
04 Apr 2007
Mark Nichols 
The End of Innocence (Thank you Enigma), or The Art of Selling Out
Comments: 3 
02 Apr 2007
Paul Nichols 
Links in Messages
Comments: 9 
I'm providing a link to Dime Brothers, just in case you'd like to visit the site. Ha ha. There's some html code you need for links that Steve happily provided (and I think my brother, too, but for MySpace usage).
21 Mar 2007
Mark Nichols 
Warning: Beware of a Drug Hiding Right Under Your Nose!
Comments: 9 
20 Mar 2007
Paul Nichols 
The Infamous College Entrance Essay
Comments: 3 
18 Mar 2007
Mark Nichols 
BBC Press Release
Comments: 3 
13 Mar 2007
Paul Nichols 
Poor Customer Service
Comments: 2 
24 Feb 2007
Mark Nichols 
Fantasy Baseball
Comments: 3 
09 Feb 2007
Yahoo Sports 
Bandana Man No. 5
Comments: 1 
03 Feb 2007
Mark Nichols 
Article Drought
Comments: 2 
24 Jan 2007
Paul Nichols 
Civics 101 - The State of the Union
Comments: 1 
24 Jan 2007
Paul Nichols 
Football Comments
Comments: 2 
18 Jan 2007
Mark Nichols 
Top Five Foods
Comments: 6 
16 Jan 2007
Paul Nichols 
Comments: 0 
12 Jan 2007
Mark Nichols 
Tax Time! ... in a couple months
Comments: 6 
09 Jan 2007
Mark Nichols 
Tostitos (mmmmm) Fiesta Bowl Magic!!
Comments: 0 
02 Jan 2007
Paul Nichols 
The Message Board is Working
Comments: 7 
17 Dec 2006
Mark Nichols 
Bandana Man No. 4
Comments: 1 
10 Dec 2006
Mark Nichols 
MY Tryout for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
Comments: 1 
04 Dec 2006
Paul Nichols 
My Experience Auditioning for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
Comments: 1 
22 Nov 2006
Mark Nichols 
Bandana Man No. 2
Comments: 0 
14 Nov 2006
Mark Nichols 
The Best Baseball Team in 2006 - Your New York Yankees
Comments: 1 
26 Oct 2006
Mark Nichols 

Web Development by Steve Black